Saturday, December 31, 2005
Return of the Conference Posting
Today was a groundbreaking day. Before today I had doubts about whether or not this conference would change me. I am now happy to report that I am leaving this conference a changed person. We heard the president of Campus Crusade for Christ speak about a number of topics: his history, crusade movements, bigwig Christian plotting pow-wows and other really huge news about what they see God doing on a global scale. For example, The Passion of Christ. Most of us have seen it and most of us know that Jews left the movie theatre saying Mel Gibson is the most anti-Semitic destroyer of Jewish faith since Hitler. So what good could come of this? Anything? Guess who started watching this movie as a result of all their bickering? The entire Muslim faith! They started it in 1 theatre, the line for the movie went around the block, and so they eventually had to open all 10 theatres only showing The Passion of Christ all day. Why in the world could this be? Because if the Jews hated it, they wanted to know more about it! That was just one little piece about what God is doing in the lives of us as a nation. So today Drew took a picture of a rent-a-cop and me at the mall...who was on a Segue (the scooter you stand on)...wearing a shiny silver helmet. Please excuse the temporary absence of pictures; they will be posted when the camera, cables and Internet are all in the same room (the internet is only free in the lounge. Yeah, annoying). Hot stuff. Word to the late nightness, I just had 2 cups of espresso. I'm going to regret that tomorrow morning.
Thursday, December 29, 2005
Christmas Conference Continues
Well I have officially finished the second main session and one other workshop on “Dating by Faith”. I really liked the speaker from the Dating by Faith, I didn’t really hear anything new, but the guy was really funny. I suppose it’s a good thing to have the really important stuff beat into my thick skull as much as possible. I must say the main sessions are really very good, but mental memo for tomorrow morning: brew the coffee that they give you for free. You need it for the 9:00 AM session. I also greatly enjoy just taking part in a conference and not attending the ever productive and informative staff meetings. To be quite honest, there are parts of the worship that I really enjoy and parts that I do not. The drummer is this 60 year old Arnold Schwarzenegger look-alike with nearly perfect rhythm and an endless amount of fills. The rest of the group is great, but the leader just lacks something. He seems nervous sometimes. That really makes me uncomfortable. He should take some lessons from Todd Proctor. Makes me miss the BNYC worship, I really think they do a better job. We’ll see how that goes. Little bit of drama within our group, SB went up against the staff in protesting a $13 mandatory dinner and sort of got told her opinion didn’t matter. We shall see how that unfolds. So far the experience has been great and I’m looking forward to what God will be doing in my life. I wish I had pictures for you all, but I gave my 512 MB card to my little brother for a Christmas gift, so I am without. Rock on.
Wednesday, December 28, 2005
Arriving on the Scene
We just arrived on the scene of Christmas Conference and only after 1 run around the complicated 1 way streets and a 3 block run in the mild rain from parking we are safe in the lounge of the Westin Hotel. We may yet see signs of life here in Indianapolis. There are tons of people from all over north eastern USA, so that’s exciting for people who have done breaks and stuff like that. However, I haven’t yet had the pleasure. Right now Chris is talking to Sarabeth and I don’t like it.
Friday, December 09, 2005
Chinese Men...and snow

First of all, this is too funny for words. Hannah, I think you especially will get a kick out of this. In my dorm room, I'm the guy in the background. All I have to say is I hurt after watching this.
The show is falling in Berea and the finals a wrapping up. I feel pretty confident about them personally. Guess what? Sarabeth and I took this picture from the second story window of my dorm. Funny story that goes with. My camera has only a 10 second timer, so after I focused it, I booked it down the stairs. I heard something but didn't think anything of it as I flew into the blustery cold. We looked up at the camera, saw the flash and I immediately dashed back to the door thinking, "I bet I dropped my keys." Alas, I must improve my dashing skills. For inside the door sat my keys until I called my roomy who let us in. It's the small stuff that makes a night.

Thursday, December 01, 2005
7 Of Everything
OK Guys, It's not my fault, Allyson made me do it.
1. Seven things to do before I die:
Parachuting (hopefully not the last thing I do before I die)
Eat steak for 1 day all day
Get married
Understand at least 15% of female emotion
Become the best at something
Beat Chad in racquetball and chess (racquetball BEFORE he gets
Get a new cell phone
2. Seven things I cannot do:
Throw left handed
Become pregnant
understand my roomy's taste in music
explain God
Remember my dad's birthday, How awful is that? I went to the pharmacy today and they asked me and i felt like an idiot.
Read military time in an orderly fashion
touch a doorknob or metal without getting a static shock
3. Seven things that attract me to my girlfriend
(in no particular order)
The way her voice sounds when I'm feeling sad
Her passion for Godliness
Her amazing sense of commitment and perseverance
Do I say she is incredibly hot, beautiful or cute? I'll just say all three and be safe.
She actually thinks I'm funny
The way our hands fit together
Her smile
4. Seven things I say Most often
"Oh Gonnesssss"
" girl..why you sleeping"
"FIDDLESTICKS THIS STUPID JUNK BW CRAP CONNECTION GET ME A DIAL UP MODEM BLAHHHHHHH...GAAAHHHH!!! if i was a swearing man right now it'd be bad" (This is usually said on the hour every hour after BW's incredibly pitiful network causes me to die on the field of battle.)
"Oh wow"
"That's true"
"BW IT help desk, this is Joe"
5. Seven books/series I love
The Lord of the Rings
Chronicles of Narnia
The Scarlet Letter
The Sun Also Rises
The Great Gatsby
Curious George Goes to the Zoo
Boy meets Girl
6. Seven movies I'd watch over and over again:
The Count of Monte Cristo
Napolean Dynamite
The Star Wars trilogy
Beauty and the Beast
The Emperor's New Groove
Finding Nemo
The Princess Bride
7. I'm only going to tag 3 people, hopefully they'll do it.
Kevin (i'm pretty positive he won't do it, but he may prove me wrong)
1. Seven things to do before I die:
Parachuting (hopefully not the last thing I do before I die)
Eat steak for 1 day all day
Get married
Understand at least 15% of female emotion
Become the best at something
Beat Chad in racquetball and chess (racquetball BEFORE he gets
Get a new cell phone
2. Seven things I cannot do:
Throw left handed
Become pregnant
understand my roomy's taste in music
explain God
Remember my dad's birthday, How awful is that? I went to the pharmacy today and they asked me and i felt like an idiot.
Read military time in an orderly fashion
touch a doorknob or metal without getting a static shock
3. Seven things that attract me to my girlfriend
(in no particular order)
The way her voice sounds when I'm feeling sad
Her passion for Godliness
Her amazing sense of commitment and perseverance
Do I say she is incredibly hot, beautiful or cute? I'll just say all three and be safe.
She actually thinks I'm funny
The way our hands fit together
Her smile
4. Seven things I say Most often
"Oh Gonnesssss"
" girl..why you sleeping"
"FIDDLESTICKS THIS STUPID JUNK BW CRAP CONNECTION GET ME A DIAL UP MODEM BLAHHHHHHH...GAAAHHHH!!! if i was a swearing man right now it'd be bad" (This is usually said on the hour every hour after BW's incredibly pitiful network causes me to die on the field of battle.)
"Oh wow"
"That's true"
"BW IT help desk, this is Joe"
5. Seven books/series I love
The Lord of the Rings
Chronicles of Narnia
The Scarlet Letter
The Sun Also Rises
The Great Gatsby
Curious George Goes to the Zoo
Boy meets Girl
6. Seven movies I'd watch over and over again:
The Count of Monte Cristo
Napolean Dynamite
The Star Wars trilogy
Beauty and the Beast
The Emperor's New Groove
Finding Nemo
The Princess Bride
7. I'm only going to tag 3 people, hopefully they'll do it.
Kevin (i'm pretty positive he won't do it, but he may prove me wrong)
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