Thursday, September 29, 2005
I just fed a squirrel by hand
Wednesday, September 28, 2005
The Pigs; Guinea Pigs that is
Yesterday I did a test on the pigs that live on our floor, in hopes that they had improved their mental capacities for cleanliness, reason and common sense. At about noon I took a New York Times from the lounge, folded it nicely and place in the bathroom in one of the stalls. By the end of the day, I was not surprised to see sections hanging from toilets, scattered all about the entire bathroom, Oh and let’s not forget my favorite; urinated on. Wow. They are on the same level as cats. And I know it was a team effort, so these guys really must be trying hard. I think a large part of it has to do with the fact that they get cleaned up after. Because the bathroom isn’t their room, they can leave it in whatever condition and it will “magically” become clean on Tuesdays and Thursdays at 11:00 am when the poor cleaning lady comes in and stares at the effects of the very behaviors that I myself despise. I’m scared for our hallway. I honestly wouldn’t blame the cleaning lady if she went postal and killed us all.
Have you ever
Thursday, September 22, 2005
The People that Live in my Hallway
You know what people? I am just sick…of the idiots that live in my hallway. Every day they find new incredibly annoying habits and ways to astound me. Just so we’re clear from the start, lets have a simple physics lesson. Does a square with large area, fit through a circle with smaller area? If you answered No, you were correct. If you answered yes for any reason, odds are you live or are friends with the people of west wing 2nd floor Findley. Salsa. Does not fit down the bathroom sink. Banana peels, do not fit down the drinking fountain drain. Spaghetti, although smaller than the holes does not fit down the bathroom sink (Note: for anyone who may have committed this heinous act, just because it can fit down the drain, does not necessarily imply that it SHOULD go down the drain). These simple laws of physics are some fundamental shortages that have been missing from this particular dorm wing. I’m not sure where you go to school to learn to flush the toilet. I mean, we honestly should develop a class specifically for these mentally incapacitated few called, “Intro to Common Sense”. These are the same people that leave their lovely chaw spread all over the bathroom counter and drain. I have had enough guys. Do us and yourselves a favor, when either thinking (or attempting to think) in the future, please ask someone for help because obviously we need it more than we know.
Monday, September 19, 2005
First of all.
[Went and fell into bed for 3 hour nap.]
Right-on. That was what needed to be taken care of first. I feel a lot better. Now back to what I was talking about. [Puts on headphones fueling the ears with Coldplay: The Scientist] I remember a photo my friend drew showed me, it was quite awesome. It highlighted the differences between guys and girls by displaying 2 different radios. One was labeled, “MEN”. It had 1 switch, with 2 labels; on and off. The “WOMEN” radio had about as many switches, buttons, dials, lights, wires and indicators that anyone could ever imagine on the front of a radio. I guess that’s the way it goes isn’t it? Funny how we all think men are simple though. A lot of us are, it’s no joke. Despite the overwhelming overall tendencies, there are a few of us that want more out of life than just a good time and sex.
Anecdote Time
Why I hated cats and still don’t like them today.
So me and cats. Yeah…anyone who really knows me knows that I’m not the biggest cat fan. To this day I get great pleasure out of suddenly throwing my arms wildly in the air and rushing at them. This works best on wooden flooring, as they usually spin their tires before they actually start to get away. I love watching their faces try to comprehend a motive for my actions when there is none to be found other than to torment the animal itself. Even when I was younger, I never did like cats. My brothers and I thought it would be a great idea to put our cat down the 2 story laundry chute. I specifically remember it spreading all 4 legs trying it’s best not to go in. Don’t be worried for the cat, we made sure there was like 4’ of clothing at the bottom, he was fine. I myself also used to place the cats under milk crates and pour water on them just to see them get wet and hate it. So what made me so uncomfortable with these cats? Once when I was 5, I went out of my grandmother’s house and walked along the path that she has between her house and the neighbors fence. Along that path is a wall that is about eye level for a five-year old. As I was just walking along minding my own business, I look over to my left and about 6” from my face was this cat. So the first thing it does is open it’s mouth and hiss, which was scary enough. Then it leaped on my chest, which was more than I could take. Heck, I was only 5 people. I freaked, I absolutely went bananas. I was inconsolable for quite some time. It was at this point I decided to begin my reign of terror. If for no reason something could scare me that badly, you’d better believe I could pay it back tenfold. Ahh well. They should all be duct taped to the 71 on-ramp anyways.
Thursday, September 15, 2005
Boys will be Boys

OK, funny childhood story time.
For those of you who don’t know, I have 2 brothers, my older brother Paul and my younger brother Jimbo. I am here to tell you today that we were anything but a pleasant experience for babysitters. Now for the examples. Leah Raich was coming to baby sit us, which was cool because even as a 2nd grader I could totally recognize the hotness that girl possesses. Anyway, after we waved goodbye to our parents as they drove down the street, she sat us down and said, “Ok, here’s the rules. No one goes outside and no one yells. Other than that we’re going to have fun.” Upon finishing this statement, we all stood up and proceeded to scream our heads off about nothing. Then came the part where each of us ran to a separate door and exited the premises. Ahhh yes. Needless to say, “whoopins” were in order and were given accordingly upon the arrival of the parental units.
Wednesday, September 14, 2005
Sooo dead
Thursday, September 08, 2005
The never-ending mind puzzle

I took this picture while driving. Doesn't it just makes you think? I remember reading an incredible book called "Boy meets Girls" last year, about relationships, different views on dating and other relationships. Makes me wonder where she is and what she's doing. Now it's no mystery that every guy ponders this, but it's just a question of how seriously they think, wish and hope to find the exact person for them. I mean, every time I tell myself that this person exists and is breathing and running around, I get all excited inside. Then comes the part where I remind myself that I probably don't even know her yet. Then I sit back and let that sink in. I guess what really hits me deep is when I'm in church and I'll see some very content looking couples sitting, listening and learning from pastor. It makes me say, "OK, 4 of my best friends are married. So uhh..." Right, I know that's crazy and it's the exception to the rule, but still it doesn't stop the empty feeling in my gut. God only knows when that sinking stomach syndrome will turn into a confident smile, or even start to disappear. So supposedly there are some single beautiful intelligent Christian girls still alive in this world. I can only find myself skeptical of that statement at this point in my life. Any ideas, suggestions? I mean, do I smell bad or something? Maybe I'm like a tiki torch, and these girls I seek are like mosquitoes which just never approach my area. OK that's a bad analogy, but you get what I'm saying. I'll maybe I'll switch deodorant to the Christian version of TAG. It seems to work in the commercials.
Currently Playing
Weezer: Beverly Hills