OK, funny childhood story time.
For those of you who don’t know, I have 2 brothers, my older brother Paul and my younger brother Jimbo. I am here to tell you today that we were anything but a pleasant experience for babysitters. Now for the examples. Leah Raich was coming to baby sit us, which was cool because even as a 2nd grader I could totally recognize the hotness that girl possesses. Anyway, after we waved goodbye to our parents as they drove down the street, she sat us down and said, “Ok, here’s the rules. No one goes outside and no one yells. Other than that we’re going to have fun.” Upon finishing this statement, we all stood up and proceeded to scream our heads off about nothing. Then came the part where each of us ran to a separate door and exited the premises. Ahhh yes. Needless to say, “whoopins” were in order and were given accordingly upon the arrival of the parental units.
Did we really do that? haha cool.
haha...you must have a ton of funny stories like that...personally i enjoyed the banana story you told us at bible study the most !
Ya know what... it doesnt really surprise me that all 3 of you did that...lol.. you all are so funny...
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