This weekend wasn’t intended to be a weekend completely spent at home, but it was a very good weekend. I got to spend time with the family from Pittsburgh which was awesome. Jim is leaving for the Air Force in 2 weeks, so I am pretty much trying to hang out with him as much as possible. Saturday afternoon I also got the chance to meet Sarabeth's grandparents, who affectionately wish to be known as "Gran and Gramps". Fine by me, they're really nice people. They gave me some danish to bring back to school, unfortunately it made a detour to my house never to return. We played some wicked games of Quibble, which is like a combination of rummy and scrabble. I think I'm still preferential to scrabble actully, but I took 2nd once, and then 1st, so apparently I have a knack for it.

There’s my crazy Uncle Mike. Also my Brother and Pittsburgh family. Then Sunday night Sarabeth and I hung out and watched some movie who’s title escapes me at the moment. Then we watched part of Young Frankenstein and basically stayed up till like 5. Good times for the night owls.

1 comment:
It was a good weekend. I'm very happy that you got to meet my grandparents- they're great! And it was nice seeing your parents again, they are so nice! You do have a knack for Quiddler, unfortunetly I'm not quite as good-I think I came in last both games- lol, oh well. Oh Sunday night/Monday morning-I don't stay up past 5am very often- craziness :) good times though...
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