Luke, don't you have like a 24" monitor somewhere?

Luke was like, "Excuse me love of my life, but I do need to access my computer and hate to ask you to move, but would you mind?"

So then it was late...

And then came bowling, Sarabeth bowled a 201! Holy smokes!

She beat us so bad it was enough to make four grown men cry.

mmm bacon cheddar burger....

Lucas enjoying a large bite of hamburg

The funny part about the superbowl party is the cleanup. Billy is too tall for the Ghostbusters vacuum, and Julie, well, laughter is an understatement.

yeah it was a good weekend. mmmm on tap burgers.
Hey, and I was cranky and tired on Friday, so it looks like Luke was being mean but he wasn't. I was in that fall asleep every 5 seconds mode.
I laughed. I cried. Well, I didn't actually cry...I just made that part up. But I did smile in a way that could be construed as tragic.
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