This is a post which will let you the readers understand who my night class professor is. His name is Ioan (John) Muscutariu. In his classes, you will hear many interesting variants of the English language. As he is from Romania, he will probably never speak perfect english. These are some examples of what this yields:
"When I talk, you pay me attention"
"You did good job on quiz? I give you chocolate"
"Yohn, how you say? (Jon??) Yes, Jon. Here your paper."
"Please question. You ask me question any time."
"There are an eagle..."
"When you look at sky"
[Writes on board] "Earse is our planet"
"We are not in sowsa hemisfeer"
"Ansheeen Astro Nomers....very rich imagination!"
"I lost our Earth! I lost our sun! I am very powerful man, yes?"
The funniest part is that I've created and posted this all during the class. Shame on me. But hey, what's a guy going to do in a 4 hour night class?
I suggest you to go to Harvard, take some statistics classes with Dr. Way, Dr.Lyn, Dr.Wang and you will find out that you can't understand a word! Why?
Because of their "good" English!
The funniest part is the grade: you will need an A, otherwise you are out...if you ask questions, then forget them...you will never understand the explanations. And...you need an A!
How many languages do you speak?
Only English?
Do you know how many people speak English on this planet?
So, please do your best and help others to improve their English. Even yours!
5% is absolutely wrong. I'm really suprised that number came from a Harvard student, especially when English is the international business language.
Even your logic is not as perfect as I thought, since the above message (with the 5 %) was not posted by a Harvard student/alumnus. I just happen to know how Harvard stands.
And what about the international language of diplomacy?
Est-ce que tu me comprends? Ou peut-etre on doit faire appel a un traducteur?
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