1) Dropping out of school and working full time
2) Staying in school part time and working full time
3) Staying in school full time and working full time
4) Staying in school full time and working part time (like i am now).
I went with #3, and applied for the job: Software Systems Engineer II. The guys in my group thought I would be a good candidate seeing as how I had learned the OSB environment from my internship, and I learn very quickly. Now comes the stressful part of waiting, especially because I KNOW that there are other people in IT applying for this position. Granted, I also know that my skill levels are equal or close to equal with theirs, but it is still a pretty nerve racking wait. I mean, this is the kind of job that you go to college to get, and here it is, potentially being offered to me right now. I want the job really bad, there's no point in trying to beat around the facts. I have to trust that whatever happens is God's will for my life. Makes me feel better just even typing that right there.
Now for some fun. This is where the 100 most recent people who looked at my blog are from (including one from Romania not pictured). "Shhh...this is Spy stuff...." - The Marx Brothers

your romanian girlfriend?
That picture at the top of your blog is sweet. Pennsylvania? Pictures like that make me think of a different world, my past, my lineage, something like that. Less forward looking, more backward. Speaking of forward looking, what an amazing situation to be in. The best part is that if you don't get the job it's only because you're still a college student!
Well you can add E. Greenville, Pa to your map. Congrats on the job.
official congrats joe!
you need to start practing your "move" a la saturday night live it guy.
he no pick up... shh, this is spy stuff
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