And this is Aaron himself (several years back of course). But don't let that gaping face fool ya, Aaron has been one of my closest buddies since highschool. Nobody be messin with Aaron. Plus now he's a lot bigger than me, so it's more like he would have to beat people up messing with skinny Joe.

Speaking of beatings, check out this hilarious video I found in my paintball folder while reminiscing. "The Sensless Beating of Aaron" If you watch closely you can see Jim accidentally hit josh's left arm with the bat. He was the only one actually hurt during the filming.
Anyway, his dad Bryon goes north to downtown Cleveland every morning, and I will be car pooling with him and another guy (oddly enough also named Brian, but the spelling of Brian number 2 I'm not so sure of). I will be going downtown every day to

for my sweet internship, IT job. (Mad props to the wicked sick IT connections provided by Luke Andrews). I really hope that I can be of significant help and learn a lot. All I can say is, I'm so ready for finals to be over and to start work. The best part about work, is that when you go home you (usually) don't have to think or worry about work. You get paid to do that. That and no homework are really what I'm looking forward to. Jiggawhat.
Hahahahahahahahahahaha! Wow. I miss those days. So awesome. It's amazing to me that we filmed that...I mean seriously....why? haha. the randomness is astounding. One week my friend. I think I may just have to keep a sleeping bag at Aaron's house. I miss you guys.
P.S. For all viewers of said film...the young man in the green fleece going to town on Aaron's face is me!
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