Sarabeth and I went to Pizza Hut for a little break from mass testing. I had just finished my History final, and SB had just finished her SPSS final (which i'm guessing was really hard because the computer ate her numbers during the test). We needed to get out!

Plus I went to Pinnacle Woods paintball store because recently I've been getting really excited about paintball for some reason, even though I know I don't have any money to play over the summer. Pity. Watch for a suprise in the mail.
OH and by the way..I put a stat counter in my I KNOW you people haven't been commenting...grrrrrr
youve played 576 hrs total hours of BF2 and 19 this week...addicted?
I went paintball website surfing last week for the first time in ages. Apparently Tippmann has created a propane-powered pump pistol...for paintball (sorry...i liked the alliteration).
mmmm pizza.
you know I still have your paintball stuff, right?
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