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Monday, September 19, 2005


Let me just say one thing.

First of all.

[Went and fell into bed for 3 hour nap.]

Right-on. That was what needed to be taken care of first. I feel a lot better. Now back to what I was talking about. [Puts on headphones fueling the ears with Coldplay: The Scientist] I remember a photo my friend drew showed me, it was quite awesome. It highlighted the differences between guys and girls by displaying 2 different radios. One was labeled, “MEN”. It had 1 switch, with 2 labels; on and off. The “WOMEN” radio had about as many switches, buttons, dials, lights, wires and indicators that anyone could ever imagine on the front of a radio. I guess that’s the way it goes isn’t it? Funny how we all think men are simple though. A lot of us are, it’s no joke. Despite the overwhelming overall tendencies, there are a few of us that want more out of life than just a good time and sex.

Anecdote Time
Why I hated cats and still don’t like them today.

So me and cats. Yeah…anyone who really knows me knows that I’m not the biggest cat fan. To this day I get great pleasure out of suddenly throwing my arms wildly in the air and rushing at them. This works best on wooden flooring, as they usually spin their tires before they actually start to get away. I love watching their faces try to comprehend a motive for my actions when there is none to be found other than to torment the animal itself. Even when I was younger, I never did like cats. My brothers and I thought it would be a great idea to put our cat down the 2 story laundry chute. I specifically remember it spreading all 4 legs trying it’s best not to go in. Don’t be worried for the cat, we made sure there was like 4’ of clothing at the bottom, he was fine. I myself also used to place the cats under milk crates and pour water on them just to see them get wet and hate it. So what made me so uncomfortable with these cats? Once when I was 5, I went out of my grandmother’s house and walked along the path that she has between her house and the neighbors fence. Along that path is a wall that is about eye level for a five-year old. As I was just walking along minding my own business, I look over to my left and about 6” from my face was this cat. So the first thing it does is open it’s mouth and hiss, which was scary enough. Then it leaped on my chest, which was more than I could take. Heck, I was only 5 people. I freaked, I absolutely went bananas. I was inconsolable for quite some time. It was at this point I decided to begin my reign of terror. If for no reason something could scare me that badly, you’d better believe I could pay it back tenfold. Ahh well. They should all be duct taped to the 71 on-ramp anyways.


Anonymous said...

i just think that is funny...because no joke....i am not a big fan of cats myself. However i cannot say that i have had a horrible experience with them as you have....i just am not a big fan of them. I do like dogs though!~

Anonymous said...

oh joe- the cat stories are quite funny, although I don't approve of torturing the poor animals. You are much bigger then they are and could really do some damage (which I suppose is your ultimate goal). But considering your past traumatic experience I do understand :)

As for the two radios- that is deifnitely a funny analouge. Women do have about as many "switches, buttons, dials, lights, wires and indicators as anyone could imagine" but I must say I think men may be the same way- it's all just a mystery sometimes. I do believe there are some wonderfully amazing guys out there...the BW crusade guys have definitely proven that- you guys are great and I appreciate all that you do and your desire in seeking the Lord- it's so wonderful to see!